My hubby the talented photographer wanted a subject to shoot while trying out some new lighting ideas, and I volunteered... I figured his experimental shots would definitely look better than pics I shot of myself in the mirror!
I'm calling it a dress, but in the tradition of early and mid-century fashions, it's actually 2 pieces that are meant to be worn as a set. I always wondered how they could refer to 2 pieces as a "dress"; I always think of a dress as a single piece... Whatever the nomenclature, this is it from behind so you can see the shaping at the waist a little better:
I even left the labels in both sweaters, so the inside of the top says "Eddie Bauer" and the underside of the collar says "American Eagle Outfitters." I even left the sideseam tag on the skirt that says "American Eagle."

The bodice was made from a vest, so there were precious few scraps left from that. There are some small scraps left from the solid burgundy sweater; enough to save for making felt roses for a hat or something...they fit in a ziplock bag. I love getting the most out of my $4 sweaters!
This is my new haircut, without much done to it. I bought a 1-1/2" diameter ceramic-surface curling iron this weekend, so I'm going to start playing with it. I just watched "Chocolat" with Juliette Binoche, and her hair was PERFECT...sigh...