This group blog came along at the perfect time. I had just finished altering a vintage dress that I was doing for Wardrobe Refashion, and I was grumbling to myself that it would probably make more sense to just start from scratch next time and make a dress to my own measurements. I was about to come to my senses and give up the idea, when I read about Sew Retro and signed up before I had my first cup of coffee.
I've made numerous garments from patterns in the past, but I've always chosen rather simple ones - even then I probably only have a 75% success rate (with low standards for "success"). I love looking at vintage patterns, but have never actually tried to make one because they always looked more complicated and fitted than I felt like I was capable of. I think, however, that I may be convinced to give the Butterick 4790 pattern a shot after reading so many good things about it here.
Here are pictures of two vintage dresses that I didn't make but I did do major alterations on: