First Post!

Greetings, Sewalongers!

I am Christine, a 37 year old retro-afficionado living in Northern California.
Like many of us I am simply mad for all things retro inspired!
I've been sewing from about age 7, and I am fortunate to have a decent sized collection of vintage patterns, fabrics, books and sewing machines (yes, machines...plural.. it's an addiction!)

My current, beloved machine is a 1950's Singer 301, the big sister to the Featherweight. I do most of my sewing on this old girl.

I lovelovelove the idea of this sewalong because it will finally get some of my stash out into the daylight, and back in to use. I am really trying to make more of my own clothes these days and hopefully this will be the kick in the pants that I need.

I do have more vintage patterns than I can use, The picture above is about half of what I have. A lot of my patterns are plus size (It's often difficult to find good retro patterns for us larger girls!) I also have a lot of adorable children's patterns and some maternity patterns which I am, thankfully, past the stage of needing! (My BLOG has a larger, clickable version of that image if anyone is interested)

I'm perfectly willing to swap, trade, loan, or sell some of my patterns if any of you folks are interested! Drop me a line or leave a comment. (hope that's okay to offer in this group... if not, I'm sure I'll hear from a Mod!)

Now... i just need to decide what my first project will be for this group!
Cheers and happy sewing!