New Member

Hello everyone! My name is Summerset (yes, that's my legal first name; no, my parents weren't hippies), and my blog is Pins and Needles. I'm excited to be part of a blog where the focus is retro sewing! I've admired all of your creations and ideas from every era. My favorite garments come from the time starting with the New Look, Post WWII up through the mid 1960's. I'm definitely a 50's girl, but upon occasion will stray into the Mod late 60's!

Here's my latest vintage creation, my daughter's Easter dress, from Simplicity 1633:

You can visit my blog for more details on this dress and on other vintage garments I've made. For the more complicated garments, I tend to post in serial format, so look for the labels, "Vogue Couturier 167", "American Beauty" and my current large project, "Diamonds".