Now, I purchased a few patterns at great prices off of ebay, and was amazed that I got no competition on any of them. My wife asked me what a half size pattern was, since all of the ones that I had won were labeled half size. I figured "meh. must be halfway between two sizes."
Of course, I finally googled it, only to find that they are made for people under 5'3". I'm 5' 8". I feel like a real idiot.
Anyway, I decided to make this dress tonight, and ended up lengthening it a little bit, to make up for the half sizedness, only to find when I had finished that the waistline was somewhere around my hip bone. I not only feel like an idiot, I now look like one, too.
I ended up shortening the straps, and it looks decent. (Has anyone else noticed that when a dress looks a little off, shortening the straps ALWAYS fixes it?)
So, the point of all this rambling is this: has anyone used a half size pattern? Are they in any way different from a regular size pattern? Was it all some elaborate plot by the pattern industry to make women of short stature feel like they were being represented in the market?
Thanks, all. Hopefully I'll have some good pics of the quasi-disaster dress shortly, and photos of other dresses I've made if only people would stop outbidding me.