My mom taught me the basics so I have been sewing since I was a kid. But I never really started honing my craft until recently. For the longest time I was content with p.j. bottoms, skirts, and other easy projects. As I've grown older, I've become less and less tolerant of ready to wear: the fit, the quality (or lack there of) and the fashions just seem to get worse and worse! Not to mention, I would like my own personal style to be something more unique and fun that what is available at the local mall. I spend a lot of time reading, and trying to perfect my sewing technique. And honestly, much of the time I still feel like a beginner!
I love all things vintage and retro. It all started with my "discovery" of classic films when I was in Jr. High and it all sort of snowballed from there. Mid-Century is my favorite era, but as far as beautiful clothing goes - I'm a sucker for any decade.
My most recent project was a vintage inspired sundress. The fabric and pattern are new, but I think the silhouette has a nice 50's flavor. More photos and details at my blog