
Hi everyone - just wanted to jump in and introduce myself. I'm "Ang" over in the sidebar, although my website is now I joined in the beginning, completed a few projects, and then disappeared. I was kidnapped by life, but I'm back and looking forward to sewing some retro projects again!

I moved cross-country, and moved in with my BF. Our place is pretty small so sewing projects tend to take over about half the house and have to be very well planned. He's a good sport, though. My last sewing project was in August (a costume for a party) and during the course of that one... my sewing machine table broke! It wasn't repairable, so right now I'm trying to figure out how to handle the situation. I'm thinking about a sturdy TV tray from IKEA - that's what I did a while back when I was transitioning from one home to another. It's a good temporary measure, but if anyone has any recommendations for a sewing machine table (needs to fold up!!!), I'm all ears!
