Greetings from RetroRugrats

Hello SewRetro readers,
My name is Maria and this is my first posting and I am delighted to join. I've been reading and admiring everyone's work. I love to sew, especially retro things for children. This delightful Butterick pattern dated late 1930s is a favorite from my personal collection. I enjoyed reproducing it, but I made changes in the closures and sizing and I modified it to make it a reversible piece. The original closure consisted of a hand-sewn button and button hole. How fun, but probably not practical when you're trying to quickly put it on your hungry, crying one-year old. I fashioned this bib using Robert Kaufman fabrics and found a similar style to what you see on the pattern envelope, swiss dots and stripes. I haven't tried the large size cover up yet, but look forward to it.

Feel free to read my RetroRugrats blog, but I must admit, I don't contribute to it frequently. You can also find me at my own website where I create and sell vintage style products for children. I'm always looking to feature artists who sew "retro", so come and visit. Happy Sewing!