Hello from the Pacific Northwest! I am so very happy to be here amongst you loverly creative types! I have developed a severe vintage pattern addiction over the last year, and stumbled upon this site whilst searching for my next fix.
The illness is in it's beginning stages, so there is still much to learn, many hardships to overcome....battles with dart placement, dealing with tiny waspish waists....and who has a 29" bust these days??
Happily, there appear to be a wealth of relics for the big busted and thicker waisted as well (well, thicker than 25 inches for goodness sake, gees louise), so I have begun to collect....and spend way too much time and money on ebay. When I should spend the time sewing the patterns I already have! Sound familiar? :)
I am in the middle of Simplicity 2399, a simple chemise from 1957:
First time with plaid, first folded collar, first actual vintage pattern. It still needs buttons, sleeve facings and a hem....but I was excited and wanted to share. So here it sits on my dear dummy, Rosalind.
Here is a link to my blog if you're interested.
Ciao for Now!