Pleased to Meet You!

Hi - I am new to the Sew Retro blog and wanted to introduce myself! My name is Amanda (a.k.a. - Miss Dandy) and I love to sew, especially with vintage sewing patterns! I especially enjoy the challenge of using discarded clothing and fabric to create new, one-of-a-kind wearable things. I'm also completely obsessed with 1960s and 1970s pop culture! In fact, most of the patterns from my collection are from those two decades. I think I am most intrigued by these decades because of my mom. When I was younger, she liked to tell me about how she and her sisters made most of their clothing as teenagers, and I used to love looking through her high school year books from the early 1970s! I really look forward to sharing some of my projects and meeting all of you!!! Please feel free to drop by my blog sometime - I'm preparing for the birth of my son, who is due in late September, so I've been working on lots of vintage outfits for him and maternity clothes for myself! :)