Hi just a quick post to show you a dress I made for summer times. I had this really great big linen sheet that felt really lovely on the skin so I foolishly thought I'd whip out one of my "easiest" looking dress patterns. It turns out the arm band in co-ordinating fabric was just so tedious it took me hours to sew and press and interface and press...etc etc. so i gave up as they looked to heavy hanging from the ends of the sleeve.
so i just narrow hemmed around the sleeves with bright green thread.
this dress is really breezy on and I promise I'll post an action shot when I wear it this summer.
I'll make an edit with the pattern number later as I can#t find it amongst the sea of paper in my room.

p.s I made a vintage fabric pin cushion too...I've been sewing a fair bit lately just have to finish stuff off.