Festive Vintage Pattern Giveaway!!!

Hi retro sewers! I recently went more than a little crazy on ebay, the result of which being that I now own far more vintage patterns than I can justify. Seeing as it's the season of goodwill, I thought I'd offer up a couple of dress patterns that are similar to ones I already own in a little festive giveaway on my blog.

The Butterick is Bust 34" and the Maudella is 36", but I'm giving them away together free of charge to anywhere in the world. The envelop of one is a little tatty, but both patterns and sets of instructions seem to be complete and in good condition. If you fancy them, just visit my blog and leave your name and some way for me to contact you in the comments section of the giveaway post before 9pm UK time on 27th December, when I will pick one name at random.

Happy festive sewing everyone!
Zoe x