Floral Party Dress

Hi there guys! I agree with Miss Emmi, cotton party dresses are a MUST for us Australians. I thought I took a photo of the pattern, but can't find it anywhere, but it's a 1959 - 1961 vintage one I got at the op shop somewhere... and it's a beauty, as I've made this version (with the full skirt too) a few times for me and my friends.


It's a vintage shabby chic style cotton floral fabric (thrifted too) that was totally see through, so I lined the whole dress with another light vintage white cotton material that I was given by the shop assistant at my local op shop (she insisted I take it because I should line my things, lucky I did take it!) so it fits and looks perfect now!

And a vintage button from my stash too, I love doing zippers according to the vintage instructions they come with, so the flap is a common style ... what's it called? Blind Zipper? Hidden Zipper? I collect a LOT of op shops things, and they are always useful further down the track!