Butterick 7181 in Candy Pink Stripes

Hi again! I finished this dress just this morning:

It was really fun to make, because I did view B (with the buttons down the front) and I came up with my own lining for the bodice (as it was a bit see-through), so I'm ultra proud of it:

I'm not totally sold on the colour (I used, once again, all thrifted items for this dress) but since it needed so much fabric in the skirt (about 2 metres) it was the only material I had at hand (ie. in the huge stash pile!) that could cater for such a large amount. I tend to wear bolder colours, and more blacks, so this one makes me feel very fairy floss or cotton candy-esque!

And also, how revealing is the shoulder area for a vintage pattern? I was surprised, but the pattern does say 'cut low to show off your shoulders'. Ooh La La indeed for the 1950s!

Of course, there's plenty more photos over at my crafty adventures blog, and in the meantime can I gush about how addicted I am to pin curls?! It turns out to be Pincurls Saturday every Saturday at my house! Here's my post, with a collection of other fantastic pincurlers videos, on hair setting the old fashioned way.

See you soon, Veronica from Sydney, Australiaxoxo