Hmmm, so apparently I never wrote my intro post. How rude of me! I'm Christine, I blog over at A Rambling Fancy and like the rest of you, I'm addicted to vintage patterns & sewing pretty things from said patterns. Sadly, for the past year I haven't done much sewing, but I'm hoping to tackle my stack of "make me now!" patterns and sew myself a new wardrobe latter this year (which I promise to share here).
My pattern addiction has gotten slightly out of control, so I'm going through my piles and sorting out the ones that don't strike my fancy and/or are not my size. Sad for me, but good for you as I've decided to give away several of these over at my blog. The above two are up for grabs this week, so if you want them, head over to my blog and leave a comment and they could be yours!
Happy Sewing!