All fashionistas need nice shoes. As I go along, I'm photographing and posting pics of them on my blog. I think this will help me get back into the swing. Hopefull it will provide inspiration to make a fab new vintage dress to go with a pair of my beloved shoes.
Maybe you ladies can help me decide which pair needs the perfect dress as I post along the way?
I started posting the shoes yesterday... AND and FYI to anybody who follows my blog: I realized yesterday that "Comment Moderation" was accidently selected and therefore, no comments were showing up for a while. I truly apologize for that. A while back, some weirdo had posted a nasty post trying to solicit "bad things". In an attempt to edit out that comment, I must have inadvertantly checked off "Comment Moderation." It's all fixed now!
As for shoes, here is one pair with vintage flair; the bottom pic is me wearing them a couple of years ago with a vintage dress, made from vintage swiss dot fabric.
If interested in more shoes and details of these, feel free to visit my blog.
Cheers, Kellie