These are a Few of My Favorite Things
Today I am blogging about my favorite things. Of course I love vintage sewing goodies - like buttons and pin cushions, but I am also very much into 1960s enamel brooches and handbags. Take a look:
I scored this fully functional vintage Singer at R & M a couple of weeks ago for $20.00. Complete with button-holer and cams, it actually gives me less sewing grief than my $800.00 Pfaff!
My mother recently sent me this petite china pin cushion in a package of goodies. She sits on a shelf in my sewing room and always looks quite pleased with my accomplishments. I like her a lot!
I collect all sorts of antique sewing buttons, but my favorite are Victorian buttons which represent hands holding things - like fans, flowers and even bugs. I have no idea what the symbolism is, but they are plentiful and lovely.