A special project for a special baby

Little Aaron received his outfit. I wanted to update the post so you could see him in it. He's so adorable!

I initially was going to make this vintage pattern from Advance 8218 but when I went to cut things out the bottoms were missing. I ended up borrowing my sister's 50's reproduction patter Simpliciy 3508

I found the story of Aaron and his family from a Alchemy request on Etsy. For those that do not know what an Alchemy request is on Etsy it is were people request items that they want or need for sellers to bid on.

Aaron has a rare disease and now has to have a g-tube for feeding. The request was for some cute cozy clothes that could be worn with the g-tube. You can find his story here. Maybe if any of you other seamstresses have some extra fabric and time you could send a long some little outfits for him. You can get his current measurements at my blog and contact the family directly with the above link. Here is the first little outfit I've made for him and a picture of Little Aaron. My sister & mom will be sending him a couple of things as well. I plan on doing a couple of more.