Desperately Seeking...

Option A w/o Big Ass Ruffle™
NOT Susan. Actually, I'm looking for a dropped waist full circle skirt pattern, either from a dress or just a skirt for my new spring frock. I've got this amazing border printed fabric that is printed in panels that are half circles (I've got 4 half circles). I've got this amazing "cotton stretch satin" to make the skirt yoke and skinny belt and the blouse (for which I've got a lovely pattern).

<----------- See?

Floral Fantasy Frock Fabric

But I need something to figure out the bottom half. Because of the way the pattern runs and the need to stuff my big fat hips in it, I need a yoked skirt to make the most out of the fabric. I'm planning on making a crinoline poufer to go under it for max effect also. So what say you? Have you a favorite pattern for something like this? Will I have to self-draft? Because I've got nuthin' in my stash that really springs to mind.