An Introduction

Hi Everyone!  I'm so happy to be here.  I'm a longtime reader who finally found the motivation to start sewing myself.  I've known how to sew for a while, but up until this past November, I never had any real passion for it and I never completed anything that I actually wore.  But last winter took a toll on me, wardrobe-wise, and I decided to take charge and sew some things I actually want to wear, instead of just feeling sad every morning when it was time to get dressed.

I sew mostly from vintage patterns, and I'm obsessed with the New Look silhouette.  I've never met a full skirt I didn't love.  Most of my patterns I make are from the late Forties to the early Sixties, and I try to use vintage materials whenever possible.  I always use metal zippers and buttons, and I try to find vintage fabric, mostly from eBay and thrift stores.

I'm so excited to contribute!  I started my own blog, and it would be great to get feedback from someone other than my Mom!
