Hello everyone! I'm Carly and this is my introductory post. I am so glad to be here among like-minded people! Finding this blog has been a thrill for me and I am working my way through all the posts from the beginning. I love seeing what everyone has been working on!
To tell you a little bit about myself, I am a third generation seamstress, but don't think in any way that means that I know what I'm doing! My grandmother passed away before I cared enough to learn her trade and my mother moved 500 miles away before that. So, ironically, I have been teaching myself. Years ago, the first thing I made came completely apart in the washer because I trimmed the seam allowances too short. And I didn't get much farther than that before I gave up. Several months ago, I saw Marissa Lynch on the Early Show and was completely inspired by what she was doing. So I started sewing again. I've had much more luck (and patience) and have successfully made lots of things.
This is the perfect place for me and feels like home because I hoard vintage patterns and fabric and my favorite projects are using them. I've chronicled my progress here. I believe strongly in recycling and reducing consumerism. There is just so much waste. So I like to take things that are not new and make them usable. I prefer the look and styles of clothes from other eras anyway and always have. My favorite style is 60's Mod.
I also crochet and know some hand stitching techniques, but I really want to learn how to embroider and I need some help with knitting. I also love baking, am interested in organic vegetable gardening and want to learn how to can and pickle.
And because I know you all love pictures, here is what I am currently working on. I have already made one of these (you will see it on my blog). I made it as a Christmas present for my future mother in-law and my own mother commented that she would love to have one. So this is what she is getting for Mother's Day. (Hope she doesn't see this!)
about to cut the pieces |
everything is ready to go together |
Nice to meet you all!
If anyone can tell me how to post pictures side by side instead of on top of each other I'd appreciate it!