50s Day Dress

Hi retro-lovers! I've been enjoying all your creations so much, time for me to add one of my own into the mix. I recently made this dress from a 1963 McCalls pattern, don't know about you but I think it's got more of a late 1950s vibe, which is why I refer to it as my 50s day dress (I hope to make that plural some day soon!).

I was lucky enough to come across this fabric at work which fits with the era of the pattern pretty well. It's such a sweet ditsy design. I've gone into more detail about this pattern, including this interesting under-arm stabilising/finishing technique that the pattern instructions (which I rarely follow!) suggested in this blog post.

I'm gearing myself up to making a full gathered skirt 50s style dress, but this four-gored skirt is full enough to push my comfort zone, and actually wearing it feels really nice. I'm usually more of a wiggle dress girl, but I find they are a bit sexy for day wear, or at least the kind of days I tend to have!

Forgive the flipflops, vintage fiends! Keep it creative,

Zoe xxx