The final decision turned out to be about two things for me: advertising and independence. I wanted the blog to remain ad free and for it to stand on it's own rather than being just a part of something larger. Of course, as I'll no longer be running things I can't really control anything, but what I wanted was to find someone who felt that these same things were important.
So I am happy to hand over to Katherine who stands by those ideals and who has some wonderful new ideas for the site along with the talent and skills to make them happen!
Thank you again to you all for being here without you this is just a blank page in cyberspace, it's been great, and here's to many more years of Sew Retro.
As always, happy sewing!
Hello! And a huge thank you to Anna who has made Sew Retro into the community we all love. I know you all join me in wishing her the best in this exciting new chapter in her life. Don’t be a stranger, Anna!
It was touching to see how many posters came out to thank Anna when she announced she was leaving. Sometimes you really don’t understand what you’ve got until it seems like it might go away, so I encourage everyone who loves Sew Retro to dive in and participate! We want to see what you’re working on!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line at sewretro at
Now, back to business as usual : )
Much obliged,