I fell in love with this pattern the first time I saw it. Our relationship, however started off a bit rocky when the element of "neck facings" was introduced, and over the course of one afternoon, I sobbed, I laughed, I cried and I said things I've never said to a dress before. In the end, I won, although I will probably still wince when I hear the term "neck facings" for some time to come. The dress is a charcoal stretch wool, I added the braid along the diagonal seam, around the collar, used vintage glass buttons post-WWII. The inverted pleat isn't very clear in this photo, but it swishes wonderfully when I walk. The whole sordid tale is documented in greater detail at The Republic of Dresses.
Finished dress (my dress form has a covering not unlike Astroturf on it--I swear the dress lays flat and does not pull to the side. If I threw tennis balls at my naked dummy, they would stick):