As usual any garment that you've made but not posted to Sew Retro before will be fine for an entry and I will draw the winner using a random number generator on the 1st December. It also doesn't have to be a full outfit that's handmade, if you made a blouse to go with a store bought skirt or the other way around etc that's just fine and dandy, we just want to see what you're wearing when you're celebrating!
This is also a great opportunity to get ahead on your sewing and prepare your wardrobe for any December parties that you might have in your diary!
The prize for this competition is fabulous! Katherine of ZipZapKap is sponsoring this time around and is offering an amazing $100 gift certificate for her store! That's right, I didn't mistype, it's $100 in vintage patterns of your choosing!

The prize does not include shipping but Katherine will work with you to get you the best deal for your prize. You can either have a blow-out and spend the winnings in one go or spread the prize over a 12 month period if you prefer.
So come on, show us your party clothes, I'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with this time around!
Happy sewing!