I love sheath dresses. They fit well, flatter the figure, and are one of the most comfortable styles of dresses you can wear. When I wear a sheath dress, I feel carefree. I like that feeling.

This one is made from vintage Simplicity 3152. I had been hankering to make this pattern for a couple years, and just never got to it. I couldn't decide if I wanted to use a print, solid, or perhaps two solids divided at the yoke seam. I finally settled on a really fun, mod-ish poppy print cotton, and I am very happy with my decision.
I want to make another of these dresses--perhaps of a light-weight wool? Two tone? Hm...

Oo-la-la! Fun pocket lining!

You can see the rick-rack trip a little better here. Don't you love the buttons? I think they date back to the 30's/40's. Anyway, they're old. ;)
So there you have it. Very loud, very fun, very comfortable dress. I will definitely make it again, and recommend this pattern very highly to my fellow vintage sewers! :D
Have a wonderful day-