I've finally recovered from the
Vogue 8956 ordeal. Now I'm trying to sew from the stash and make items for which I already have the right accessories (mostly that means shoes). I'd like your suggestions. My first question is: Raincoat or dress? Is it weird to sew a raincoat at the beginning of summer? I have the fabric and the cutest! retro! rainproof! shoes! I'm very tempted. But if you say dress, I'd like to know which of my two fabrics and six suitable patterns is the ideal combination. My stash is glorious but must be tamed! (Also ix-nay on the ending-spay until I can make some room in the closet.)
Here are a few pattern pictures to get you thinking...

Come on over to Chronically Uncool to see the shoes, the fabrics, and the rest of the patterns. Most importantly, give me your two cents!