i just finished up sewing simplicity 9637 from 1954 to wear this weekend to a wedding and i am sooooo happy with it!
it makes me so happy to own things like this. it just really helps me justify the massive LACK of pants i own when i get to run around in things like this!
more on my blog if your interested!
and for those of you who have contacted me about the sewing things in that hoarder's house- THANK YOU! this morning i sorted out all of her books into the follow categories:
sewing techniques and tips
home sewing
sewing with a serger
embellishments and appliques
crochet, needlepoint and knitting
craft projects
vests, jackets and sweaters
and there are still shelves and boxes of magazines to go through, plus one more box of books i found as i was leaving. if your interested PLEASE email me so these go to a good home! crissy_baker (at) yahoo (dot) com