Details for entering the competition can be found here. Now it's time to get to know our competition sponsor, Amy of Seams Forever, a bit better!
1. Hi Amy, tell us how you got started with your store.
I visited Paris this past January to stay with friends and found myself only interested in visiting button boutiques, fabric stores, vintage shops, textile museums and the like, so I had a lightbulb moment that maybe I should turn that obsession into something fun and productive. This coincided with my deepening unhappiness with industrially produced fashion.
2. Do you have a favourite type of fabric and/or notion and if so what is it that you love about it?
Well I love linens and cottons most in fabric, because of breathability and comfort. Regarding notions, I'm a sucker for vintage belt buckles! I just love the various designs and how they can transform a dress or sweater into something really chic.
3. Do you have a favourite period of fashion and if so, again, what is it that makes you love it?
My favorites would be the early 40s and late 50s. I really admire a streamlined sophistication... tailored but creative looks... with hats and gloves of course!
4. How do you source your stock and how much do you end up keeping for yourself?!?
I keep my eye out for items all the time wherever I can... thrift stores, estate sales, yard sales, flea markets. Notions often appear from friends and family since I've started this shop... people have tons of things sitting in a closet their great-grandmother owned.
5. Are you a sewer? If not, why not and if so how long have you been sewing for?
I am an aspiring sewer. I have taken lessons but haven't taken off with it yet. I look at all the lovely lovely garments posted on this blog and get very frustrated I can't whip one up myself! But I'll continue to work on it.
7. Which of the items in your store would you most like to sew with for yourself and what would you make?
I would LOVE to do something with that 80s geometric fabric. It's fantastic and there's so much of it. I think it would be fun to overlap eras here. Like make a 50s dress with this fabric... ? Anyone up for it?
8. Does the popularity of sewing retro change from year to year in your opinion and if so what would you think may cause that?
I think it's experiencing a revitalization right now with both a troubled economic situation and the increased environmental awareness. But another, more interesting phenomenon, is how increasingly women are returning to "traditional" modes of creativity and expression... sewing, knitting, gardening, cooking, etc. Because there is no substitute for creating something with your own hands and dedication, for yourself or the ones you love. It's just such a rewarding feeling!
9. In your opinion is sewing becoming more or less popular?
See above.
10. Anything else you'd like to share with us?
Thanks for having me here. Sew Retro contributors are so talented!********************
Thanks so much for sponsoring our competition Amy! If you've not already had a look at Amy's store please pop over and take a peek, there are some great things waiting!
Happy sewing!
The small print: Sew Retro is not affiliated with Seams Forever in any way beyond the sponsorship of this competition.