This book is light on text and heavy on images, great for inspiration! It talks mainly about bags from the 19th and 20th centuries, and even some styles from the 21st. It discusses fashion trends (and what created them) for each decade. Fun for anyone who loves fashion design and/or has a thing about bags!
I've always been fascinated by that whole concept of working with what's right at hand, and so I started making clothing and bags from recycled clothing. When things in our closets and drawers got too small or too worn to wear, we used to take them to the Salvation Army. Now, instead, I'm keeping them and "upcycling" them. I'm also making trips to the S.A. to supplement my used clothing stash.
If you want to see the project this book inspired in me, go to my blog for more pics and info. (You can glimpse a tantalizing sneak preview in the pictures above!)
* "Handbags: What Every Woman Should Know," by Stephanie Pedersen, published by David & Charles, a division of F+W Publications, Inc., ISBN #0-7153-2495-0