The Mad Clairegeit

Hello, I have also been obsessed with the wonderful styles of the 1940s and 1950s, sadly wonderful vintage dresses of this period are very hard to find in my size and hard to find in my country and repro dresses while beautiful have not-so-beautiful prices. So I have decided to get out my vintage patterns and start sewing a great vintage wardrobe.

I will hoping to use Sew Retro and my own blog to keep myself honest and on track (and not get distracted by pretty new fabric and a new idea). Also the following four rules
1. Four Projects at a time on the to do list.

2. Projects can only be removed from the list once completed or deemed a complete fail.

3. I will post all failures as well as successes so I as well as others can learn from my mistakes.

4. I resist the lure of new fabric and always check my fabric stash first before heading down to the stores.

Soon will post the first of my attempts. Come visit my blog