an almost finished object

Last friday I posted a pic of a McCall's pattern from the early 60's that I had started. Here it is so far: That's a close-up of the waistband at the top there. In case you wanted to see what 4 yards of fabric looks like when it's gathered into a 28" waistband!
The dress is a little big for my mannequin but I'm pretty happy with it so far. It doesn't have the same volume in the skirt as the original due to the lack of a crinoline and, right now, it's much too long (tea length). As soon as I get my zippers delivered (tomorrow?!) I can finish her up and post some final pics.
I also came across this incredible book at a local vintage store the other day:

Published in 1964 (the year I was born!)
It's full of really useful information and adorable illustrations like the one below.

It's a little "shop worn" (after 45 years, so am I!) so the lady only charged me $2 for it!
It was totally worth $2 and a long walk in the bitter cold I promise you!