I'm Giving Stuff Away!

I hate to use Sew Retro as an advertising platform for my blog - many apologies, but I'm having a give away! Vintage sewing booklets no less, so it sort of applies.
Just swing by Moxie Tonic before next Friday (Sept. 10) and tell me who your fashion influences are.

Singer Student's Manual of Machine Sewing from 1954, and Simplicity Sewing Book from 1953:

Singer Sewing Skills Reference Book from 1954, and Butterick New Sewing Book from 1952:

Two winners, two books each!

Also, if anyone out there is lucky enough to be sewing their retro clothes on a vintage Singer, I have a set of attachments and buttonholer listed on ebay. They are in beautiful condition, and I've started the auction price for both at what I paid for them. I can't use them, but I couldn't bring myself to leave them at the Goodwill either!