So Vintage It's Historic

O.k.  I became enamoured with Truly Victorian patterns ( and after two weeks of work I have an outfit so vintage it's historic.  It's not completely finished yet and I apologize for the picture quality but you get the idea of the outfit.  It is made of silk dupioni in two colors, with plans to add a knife pleated ruffle around the hem of the dress and single fold bias trim to the tails of the bodice as seen on the collar and cuffs.  The patterns came from the "early bustle" era which started to show up as early as 1865 and really took off in the late 60's and early 70's.  The crinoline began to develop a "bump" in the back but still retain the hoop at the bottom.  that is what you see here.  Pattern numbers are TV405 Vest Basque Bodice and the Grand Parlor Skirt.  These are placed over TV 108 Grand Bustle for the crinoline portion of the dress.  My underwear were made from Laughing Moon's Women's Underwear pattern, using the Chemise and Silverado Corset.
The skirt went together like a dream and I finshed ALL seams with a flat fell.  The bodice was alot of work but well worth the effort with the only trouble being getting the arms in correctly.  The bodice is lined in a blue broadcloath and the silk is flatlined with white muslin.  The fit was fantastic, all I had to adjust on this pattern was the width of the arms and a little fullness out of the bust.  And wha-la.
Check out my blog to see more pics.