Anyhow, I've got more details at my blog. 288 Unique patterns. I'm still in the process of capturing the images of each pattern envolope. That's a more tedious job than trying to date a vintage pattern, trust me. And I haven't EVEN gotten close to archiving all my vintage patterns in acid free sleeves with carboard backing.
My process for that is to use "silver" size bags and cardboard backers for comic books because they are designed for long-term archival. Then I use my labeler to make a sticker for the top of the backer that has the Pattern company name, pattern number and year or at least decade if I can't get an accurate year.
On my honour, I will try...
- To not buy more patterns than I can store
- To catalog the ones I buy as soon as possible
- To resell the ones I no longer adore and use