It's not pretty

Sometimes I get a little bit discouraged seeing how awesome all the projects are on Sew Retro. Is there a rule that we should only post the ones that turn out well? Or does everybody only post the projects they are proud of? I hope I'm not out of line posting something that didn't turn out well.

I'm still pretty new to sewing, and I mess up A LOT. My last post here was the dress with with the failed first attempt at sleeves. On this project, Vogue 2848, I got the sleeves right, but the dress is so big through the shoulders that it's awful. I didn't bother to finish it. See for yourself:

The dress is awful, but it's not a complete failure. I am now almost over my fear of working with a knit, and the sleeves actually turned out OK. Some day I may revisit this one and turn it into something wearable, but not any time soon.